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Jan 18, 2016
Knowing what someone says does not always equal knowing what someone means. It may be as silly as whether to use soda or coke. Much of your decision is learned from your context. Do you invite someone for a soda? If so, it may mean you will offer a variety of flavored carbonated beverages. Do...
Jan 13, 2016
Have you ever stared into a small grave disturbed by the mini-casket laying in the dirt, know nothing about the young, very young, parents, seeing no family or friends . . . grappling with the pastoral moment and your neatly packaged systematic theology and feeling all your patterned responses from that untried place sounds like...
Nov 30, 2015
Blame it on the ice storm. My original intent was to announce the winner of my recent, “Name That Podcast,” contest on Friday. Intermittent service due to the recent icepocalypse in our area prompted the delay. Thanks to All Who Submitted Thank you to all who entered the contest by submitting a suggestion. Here are...
Nov 14, 2015
Most of the time images above the clouds come courtesy of a plane ride. There are other places to get a shot above the clouds. Copyright © 1999-2015 This feed is for personal, non-commercial use only. The use of this feed on other websites breaches copyright. If this content is not in your news reader,...
Nov 10, 2015
Trump and Carson now run neck and neck in a recent poll. One wonders what that means. Most of us acknowledge it is too early to tell. Late in the summer I began adding Interviews to my podcast. Since I host the podcasts on my personal account I do not have accurate stats as to...
©Copyright Todd A. Littleton 2016