Now displaying: November, 2015
Nov 30, 2015
Blame it on the ice storm. My original intent was to announce the winner of my recent, “Name That Podcast,” contest on Friday. Intermittent service due to the recent icepocalypse in our area prompted the delay. Thanks to All Who Submitted Thank you to all who entered the contest by submitting a suggestion. Here are...
Nov 30, 2015
Once upon a time a small community grew up within a larger city. The people gathered to consider the shared benefits of local government and schools, shared life together. Over time the small community grew. Its boundaries, it city limits, determined the scope for its services. One day it dawned on the once small community...
Nov 23, 2015
Last week I began running a contest to help name a new podcast venture for Pastor-Theologians. Have you entered? To date there are several good possibilities and a couple that made me laugh out loud. It was a good thing no one was around! If you missed the long post with the explanation, read it...
Nov 17, 2015
What’s in a name? Shakespeare prompted us to think with the words of Juliet, O! be some other name: What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would smell as sweet; So Romeo would, were he not Romeo call’d, Retain that dear perfection which he owes ...
Nov 14, 2015
Most of the time images above the clouds come courtesy of a plane ride. There are other places to get a shot above the clouds. Copyright © 1999-2015 This feed is for personal, non-commercial use only. The use of this feed on other websites breaches copyright. If this content is not in your news reader,...
Nov 10, 2015
Trump and Carson now run neck and neck in a recent poll. One wonders what that means. Most of us acknowledge it is too early to tell. Late in the summer I began adding Interviews to my podcast. Since I host the podcasts on my personal account I do not have accurate stats as to...
©Copyright Todd A. Littleton 2016